Quincy Forte Music

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When your heroes begin to fade

I remember back being a kid and thinking that my parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents were all invincible. After all, for most, these are the main interactions that we have with society and they seem to have it all figured out.

As a kid, adults you are surrounded by are the blueprint to life. They are maneuvering life, have more money than imaginable for your little mind and the fact that they have lived to be older than 30 doesn’t even seem possible.

One day you look up though, and you’ve gotten past the age of 30, if your environment allows. Time had passed so fast that you probably haven’t even noticed that the world around you has aged as well.

You look up from being so focused on making it yourself and you see that your parents are deteriorating from the pressures of living a long life. Superhero uncles couldn’t hit that Michael Jordan-ish jumper if they wanted to, better yet they can’t remember where they are thanks to dementia.

Grandparents that hold the family quilt together with love and spirituality, are no longer there.

This is when you begin to see that your heroes aren’t invincible. If it’s not too late, this is when you begin to appreciate them not for their super powers, but for the beauty in their imperfections.